photography for Hill visits
advocacy day photography
pancreatic cancer network
The purple people are coming!!
Ask any (well most) members of Congress or Hill staffers about the purple people and they’ll say, Pancreatic Cancer Network. It was such a joy to do Advocacy Day Photography for this awesome organization!
As you may already know, we are given the right to bring our concerns to our representatives in Washington DC under the US Constitution. The more people show up to talk to their representatives the more voices are heard, and, boy do the dedicated activists at the Pancreatic Cancer Network know about showing up in big numbers!
They are among the elite when it comes to providing strong leadership in non-profits that advocate for their cause. Not only does the Pancreatic Cancer Network send hundreds (I think this year was over 600) passionate supporters to advocate for the fight against this dreadful disease, but it provides intense targeted education to advocates before they descend on Capitol Hill.
This year, with the potential loss of health care, as well as deep cuts in cancer research looming on the horizon, it was especially important to be active and in front of their Senators and Congressman. You can’t make your Senator or Congressman change their mind. But you can help them to understand why something is important. And if their actions are going to adversely affect you in a radical way, at least make them look you in the eye and tell you why. And then you can choose to thank them or decide if they should be your elected official next time around!
So why are there photographers during advocacy day?
Great photography helps to show what your organization is doing, how others can be involved, and just how important their involvement really could be! It’s critical for social media engagement as well as all other forms of non-profit development.
I had the pleasure of spending a few great days with the 600 + advocates for this amazing cause. Not only did they become more educated, but they educated lawmakers and inspired others to become involved and push for much-needed resources.